Services Exclusively for Technicians

  • Hammer Duplication & Hanging

    Many field technicians don’t have the time to spend the hours necessary to shape, bore, and taper hammers, let alone hang them. We offer this service to the trade with hammers that you supply, or our team can work with you to help select the best hammers and parts for your project. Hammers that are hung by us come tapered to allow for touch-weight correction to ensure they are not too heavy for pianists.

  • Key Refurbishment

    Keys are the key to the piano, literally and figuratively. We work with many industry leaders to provide new keys on original frames from some of the top manufacturers. Our team of specialists can work with you to handle keytop replacement, new key buttons, rebushing services, and in limited and specialty cases, ivory restoration on existing ivory keyboards. We can also assist in new fore-finishing and touch-weight correction when needed.